how to run an instagram giveaway on your faceless account

How To Run An Instagram Giveaway The Right Way

When you run a faceless account, growing your followers feels like the be all and end all. So much so that many creators start to look for shortcuts. One of the most popular shortcuts are giveaways.

Giveaways can be a game-changer for growing your following and boosting engagement on Instagram. However, there’s an art and a science to running them effectively and within Instagram’s guidelines.

Let’s explore how to run a successful giveaway on your faceless account that attracts the right audience, fosters engagement, but still stays compliant with Instagram’s rules.

Because let’s face it, no-one wants to be in the dog house with the Meta lot.

The basics of Instagram giveaways

At their core, Instagram giveaways are simple: you promise your audience a chance to win a prize in exchange for some action, usually engagement like liking, sharing, or commenting on a post.

This method is not new, but it remains highly effective. In short, it works. When done correctly, giveaways can help you grow your following and engage with a targeted audience.

Why giveaways work on a faceless instagram account

The magic of giveaways lies in their ability to incentivize engagement.

If your audience is correctly composed, your followers will share your giveaway with their audience, bringing in new followers who are likely interested in your content.

This creates a ripple effect, expanding your reach to an audience with similar interests. Before you know it, you’ve got A LOT of new followers.

How to run a successful giveaway

1. Define Your Goals

Before launching a giveaway, determine your goals. Are you looking to increase your follower count, boost engagement, or promote a new product? Clear goals will help you design a giveaway that meets your needs. If you’re a faceless account, chances are you’re looking for new followers, which means we need a good prize to incentivise an action…

2. Choose a Relevant Prize

Select a prize that resonates with your target audience. It should be valuable enough to encourage participation but also relevant to your niche that won’t get every Tom, Dick and Harry signing up. For example, offer a course such as UBC or Simply Passive if you’re feeling spenny, or even a month free access to a content bank.

3. Set Clear Rules

Make your giveaway rules simple and easy to follow. Avoid overly complex entry requirements. If the rules are too complicated, people might not bother participating. Stick to simple, clear instructions that anyone can follow easily. A good example of a simple rule set is:

➝ Like this post.

➝ Tag two friends in the comments.

➝ Share this post to your story and tag me.

5. Choose a Winner Fairly

Selecting a winner should be random to ensure fairness. You can use online tools like or simply have someone scroll through the entries and pick a random winner. Transparency is key, so make sure to document and share the winner selection process.

5. Announce the Winner

Once you’ve chosen a winner, announce it publicly. Post a story or update your reel to congratulate the winner. This not only adds credibility but also builds trust with your audience.

Simple, right?

Here’s some examples of giveaways in action on faceless accounts.

Examples of giveaways on faceless instagram accounts

how to run an instagram giveaway on your faceless account

Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

Before we dive into the specifics, let’s discuss some common pitfalls and how to avoid them.

  1. Avoid Cash or Gift Cards: Giving away cash or gift cards is against Instagram’s community guidelines. While many people get away with it, it’s risky, especially for smaller accounts. Instead, offer something valuable related to your business, such as a free service, product, or access to exclusive content. This not only adheres to guidelines but also attracts people genuinely interested in your niche.
  2. Don’t Ask for Follows: Asking people to follow you as a giveaway entry can backfire. Participants might follow you just for the prize and unfollow after the giveaway ends, leaving you with a fluctuating follower count. Instead, focus on actions that drive meaningful engagement, like sharing your content or tagging friends. If they like your content, they’ll follow anyway.
  3. Limit the Frequency of Giveaways: Hosting giveaways too often can dilute their impact. If people expect frequent giveaways, they might wait for the next one instead of engaging consistently. Space them out to keep the excitement high.


Running a successful Instagram giveaway requires careful planning and execution.

Top tip: always include a disclaimer stating that your giveaway is not affiliated with or endorsed by Instagram. This helps protect you from any potential issues. Make sure to read and understand Instagram’s promotion guidelines to avoid any missteps.

Get it right, and you’re on to a winner. By choosing a relevant prize, setting clear rules, and promoting your giveaway effectively, you can increase engagement and grow your following.

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Picture of Kirk McManus
Kirk McManus

I help millenial women make money on Instagram. I'm a 29 year old girl from Scotland who changed her life when she made an Instagram account. I built The UGC Club in a year and it now makes me $12,000 a month (give or take). I don't have a product, I don't sell a dodgy course, but I do make one hell of an income from affiliate links.