how to use hooks for faceless reels

45 Hooks For Faceless Reels: Hook, Line and Sinker

If you’re a trying to get started with a faceless instagram account, grabbing — and retaining — attention for your videos is key to producing content that wins. But with so many other creators vying for viewers’ attention on the platform, it can be hard to stand out and create truly compelling content that keeps viewers watching.

At least for long enough to drive the response you’re looking for aka buying an MRR course from you instead of another faceless account.

That’s where hooks come in. We’re sharing 45 hooks for faceless reels that you’ve probably not thought of yet.

Watch your engagement go through the roof. Hook, line and sinker. Thank us later.

RECAP: What is a hook? A hook is a short phrase at the beginning of a reel or other short-form video designed to make the viewer stop scrolling and stick around to watch your video. Hook them in, before you sink them. A good hook should be visually engaging, emotionally appealing, or thought- provoking. Elements that make a hook effective include a compelling narrative, intriguing questions, unexpected humor, or a teaser of what’s to come. Catchy, curiosity-inspiring phrases that make the viewer want to find out more are best.

How To Create A Good Hook

Often, our first go-to is super generic hooks. Think ‘here are the top three X’ or ‘how to do Y’ and don’t get me wrong, these do have their place. But it doesn’t do much to convey emotion or inspire action.

For a hook to be successful it needs to create reaction. This can be POSITIVE or NEGATIVE, but it needs to make you feel something. A feeling of ‘I love it so much show me more’ or ‘I hate it so much, let me find out what crazy take she has on a subject’.

When you write your next hook, make sure it does one of the following:

  1. taking a stand on a controversial topic you feel strongly about
  2. inspire curiosity about a common problem or obstacle your audience has

Think of what the FAQs are for your audience and use that to make them curious about the answer.

45 Hooks To Use In Your Faceless Reels

You don’t need to re-invent the wheel to have a winning faceless instagram reel. Instead, look at what’s worked for other people and put your own spin on it. Easy, right? Even easier if I do it for you.

Here are the exact hooks used by the top faceless accounts on Insta right now:

  1. 3 benefits to having a faceless account
  2. POV: you started this faceless account to show the introvert girlies that it is possible to make money without showing up on camera
  3. This loop is currently going viral & blowing up new faceless accounts
  4. POV: You started your faceless page 12 days ago & are able to pay this months bills through this income alone
  5. My content was not performing well until I did this ONE thing (
  6. This one hook gained me ___ new followers & ____ million views on my first reel as a faceless account
  7. I opened a new account two weeks ago, decided not to show my face and the craziest thing happened
  8. I decided to open this faceless account ___ days ago and this is what happened
  9. How much money I’ve made from a new faceless Instagram page….
  10. To the girls that want 2024 to be their shy rich girl era | don’t | skip | these | meet me in the caption
  11. POV: You want to create a faceless account but you don’t have an aesthetic house
  12. I started digital marketing 9 days ago.. this is how much I’ve made since
  13. How to create content on Instagram the lazy way as a faceless brand
  14. POV: When showing your face on your account takes forever to grow but then you switch to a faceless account and you grow to _____ followers in 1 week and you start getting tons of engagement
  15. Girl, this is your sign to start that faceless instagram account and sell digital products
  16. You’ve been reading about how private girls are making money online with MRR products but you don’t know where to start
  17. I decided to take Instagram seriously for the last 3 months and I went from this…
  18. I got burnout sharing my face online so I started this account 3 months ago and the craziest of things happened
  19. Thinking of what to post when you have not made sales from your digital products yet
  20. Stop wishing your life was different… and make your life different
  21. I am going to piss a lot of people off with this but…
  22. This didn’t go according to plan
  23. I bought the course but didn’t make $1000 a month selling it
  24. POV: You finally understand why your captions weren’t captioning
  25. This one reel got me 97,879 followers…
  26. I have made $71,931.24 in 52 days as a new account
  27. PSA I finally cracked the code to reach non-followers
  28. You see everyone talking about how much money they make online but don’t know where to start
  29. This is not going to help your account grow
  30. What I didn’t do to have my reels blowing up
  31. Not me thinking digital marketing was a scam
  32. I don’t know if it was a coincidence BUT the minute I changed this my account started running
  33. People still don’t believe me that…
  34. I was not planning on sharing this…
  35. You are doing everything you the big accounts are teaching BUT you aren’t seeing the results
  36. One MAJOR factor stopping you from making money
  37. POV it’s Sunday morning and your digital marketing business made you $3k while you were at the beach with your kids
  38. I turned a $499 investment into $116,537 in 30 days
  39. You’re one decision away from a different life
  40. Exposing the 3 content pillars that helped me make $150k in 10 weeks
  41. The ONE mindset shift that took me from $0-3k in 3 weeks
  42. You’re not going to succeed at faceless marketing
  43. The secret to content creation that no-one talks about…
  44. POV: You’re isn’t aesthetic enough to create content
  45. POV: You were a corporate girlie who dreaded Monday mornings

Have you tried any of these? Interested to see that out of the top 15, 6 of them reference account growth or how much they’ve made from faceless reels. So… at what point do people start to lie just because they know that it will get them better views?

100 DFY Reels and Captions
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Picture of Kirk McManus
Kirk McManus

I help millenial women make money on Instagram. I'm a 29 year old girl from Scotland who changed her life when she made an Instagram account. I built The UGC Club in a year and it now makes me $12,000 a month (give or take). I don't have a product, I don't sell a dodgy course, but I do make one hell of an income from affiliate links.