how to find trending audio on instagram

How to Find Trending Audio on Instagram

Finding the right audio for your Instagram reels can quite literally take your content’s reach from basement to penthouse overnight, but only if you know where to look. Why it works so well is simple: Instagram wants to push popular trends on reels, much like TikTok. Your audio is a big piece of how Instagram detects what trends are happening on the platform. If you use a popular audio in one of your reels you’re more likely to be discovered by new people.

The more people that discover you, the more chance you have of growing. Which, as a faceless creator, is the golden ticket.

But how do you find these elusive golden tickets? Today, we’re giving you the map. Here’s how to find trending audio on Instagram.

How important is trending audio?

First, let’s address the elephant in the room. You can still successfully grow your account without ever using a trending audio.

But, it is a fact that trending audio can help your reels get more views. Here’s how:

📈 increased views: the algorithm loves trending audio. Once an audio is trending, the algorithm pushes reels with that audio out to more people. More people, means more eyes.

💬 more engagement: trending song or audio means there are a lot of people interested in it right now, so people who see your Reels might be more excited by them and easier to engage with.

🎨 spark ideas: trending audio can get the creative juices flowing - I always ask myself h*ow can I apply this to my own niche*. It’s harder as a faceless account because you often can’t jump on the trend in the traditional way, but when it works, it works.

There’s a big but coming here… trending audio won’t work if your content isn’t up to scratch.

Think of it as a trifecta: good content, strong strategy and a trending sound is a recipe for success. Miss an ingredient, and your cake won’t rise.

Where to find trending audio?

There are three main ways to find trending audios on Instagram.

Professional Dashboard

You can access the list of trending audios in your professional dashboard. It’s a list of the top 50 tracks on Instagram right now. To open your professional dashboard:

  • Tap your profile icon at the bottom right corner.
  • Select the three horizontal lines (the “hamburger menu”) at the top right corner.
  • Scroll down to find “Trending Audio.”
how to find trending audio on instagram

The tracks listed will be relevant to your IP address, so just be conscious of that if you’re target audience demographic is different than yours. Check and update your saved audios every week or twice a week. Look for audios with fewer than 2,000 uses, but don’t ignore those with higher counts if they fit your reel. While top trending audios have high usage, early trending audios give you a chance to be one of the first to use them, increasing your chances of going viral. Aim for a mix of top trending audios and early trending ones.

Using the Reels Explore Tab

The Reels Explore tab is a goldmine for discovering trending audio that’s potentially just missed the top fifty list, or that is early. Here’s how you can navigate it:

  1. Open the Reels Explore Tab:
    • Tap the Reels icon at the bottom right corner.
    • Alternatively, use the general Instagram Explore tab by tapping the magnifying glass icon next to the home tab.
  2. Identify Trending Audio:
    • Scroll vertically in the Reels Explore tab.
    • Look for the translucent bubble at the bottom left corner of each reel. If you see an upward-facing arrow, it means the audio is trending.

[THE WEEKLY] Newsletter

[THE WEEKLY] is the only free newsletter that sends out trending audios directly to your inbox. Same time, same format every week, it’s designed to to give faceless creators like you some time back. No more endless hours scrolling for trending audio, new stock banks or the latest and greatest PLR guides, it’s done for you.

How to find trending audio on Instagram

If you prefer to keep everything on platform, accounts such as @evelongfield and do the legwork for you.

When you find a winner, click the flag button on the audio page to save it to your saved audio file. You can then access your saved audios by going to your profile, tapping the hamburger menu, selecting “Saved,” and then “Saved Audio.” There you can use any of your previously saved tracks.

How to make the most of trending audio on faceless reels

So you’ve found a sound with that elusive upward arrow, now what? Well first, let me say that not all trending sounds are created equal. When you find trending audio, here’s how to analyze it for potential use:

  1. Check Usage Count:
    • Click on the trending audio to see the full audio page.
    • Ideally, look for audio with fewer than 2,000 uses for early trends, though this isn’t a strict rule.
  2. Evaluate Popularity:
    • Check if the original poster has over 1-2 million followers.
    • Look at the top three reels using the audio. If they have over 1 million views each, it’s a good indicator that the audio is popular and worth using.

But it’s not just about finding trending audio; it’s about ensuring the audio aligns with your content’s emotion and message. Here are some tips:

📝 Sync Text Overlays with Audio: Make sure your text overlays sync with the beat drops or key moments in the audio. This enhances viewer engagement and retention.

😭 Match Emotional Tone: Choose audio that matches the emotional tone of your video. For example, use softer songs for heartfelt messages and upbeat tracks for energetic content.

😵‍💫 Avoid Mixing Connotations: Ensure the music’s tone aligns with your video’s message. Mixing different tones can confuse viewers and hurt your reach.

Finding and using trending audio effectively can transform your Instagram strategy, boosting your engagement and helping you reach a wider audience. Regularly explore trending audios, save and use them strategically, and always align the audio with your content’s emotional tone.

Girl Math is using trending audio to reach the right people. Hit the right note, and you’re well on your way to creating content that can have people diving head first into your funnel. You’ll be making sales in no time.


Q: Does trending audio help on Instagram?

Absolutely! Trending audio can take your Instagram reels from zero to hero. Instagram’s algorithm loves it, pushing your content to more users and boosting your reach.

Q: Does trending audio get more views?

A: You bet! Using trending audio can skyrocket your views. The audio used is a big piece of how Instagram detects what trends are happening on the platform. If you use a popular audio in one of your reels you’re more likely to be discovered by new people. The algorithm favors popular sounds, so your reels are more likely to pop up in people’s feeds.

Q: How many uses should trending audio have?

A: Aim for audios with fewer than 2,000 uses to catch trends early. You want the first three videos to be close to 1 million uses as a sign of virality. But don’t ignore the big hits if they fit your reel’s vibe. Balance is key!

Q: Where can I find trending audio on Instagram?

A: Check out the Professional Dashboard for a list of top tracks. Also, explore the Reels Explore tab and look for the upward arrow on audio bubbles. Girl Math also sends out a weekly round-up of trending audios called [THE WEEKLY]

Q: How do I save trending audio for later use?

A: Found a winner? Click the flag button on the audio page to save it. Access your saved audios through the hamburger menu on your profile under “Saved Audio.”

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Picture of Kirk McManus
Kirk McManus

I help millenial women make money on Instagram. I'm a 29 year old girl from Scotland who changed her life when she made an Instagram account. I built The UGC Club in a year and it now makes me $12,000 a month (give or take). I don't have a product, I don't sell a dodgy course, but I do make one hell of an income from affiliate links.