Should I start a new Instagram account or use my existing one as a faceless instagram account

My Engagement Is Low… Should I Start A New Account?

If your engagement is low, it’s easy to consider starting a new Instagram account. Wipe the slate clean. Get rid of the dead weight. Experience the boost of a shiny, new account… right? Well, not always. Today we’re diving into one of the biggest questions out there for anyone looking to speed up their growth on a faceless instagram account.

Should you start fresh with a new account or keep grinding on your old one? It’s like choosing between sticking with your well-worn, comfy jeans that aren’t really doing bits anymore or splurging on a brand new pair that seem great, but might last one wash.

Safe, or sorry? Let’s break it down.

The Myth of the New Account Boost

There’s this myth floating around that starting a new account will give you some magical algorithmic boost.

Spoiler alert: it’s not true.

While it’s possible that new accounts might get a tiny bit more attention on the fringes, it’s not enough to justify abandoning all the hard work you’ve put into your current account. It’s a gamble, and not one that pays off most of the time. Why?

→ Signal Accrual

Every single action on your account – every post, like, comment, share, and even the content you scroll through – is documented, and it counts. These actions build a rich history that the Instagram algorithm uses to understand and classify both your account and your content. It’s like building a credit score; starting over wipes out all that history and you’re back to square one.

Whilst starting over might clean up your debt, it also means you need to build from the bottom again.

Think about it: if you’ve already established your digital footprint, why erase it for a fleeting chance at marginally better visibility? Instead of starting over, focus on optimizing what you’ve already built.

With that being said, there’s definitely pros and cons to both starting a new account and sticking with your existing one. It’ll depend on your situation.

It’s Not Your Account, It’s You

If your current account isn’t performing well, the issue likely isn’t the account itself but rather your content and engagement strategies. It’s like putting a band-aid on your elbow when your knee is bleeding – misdiagnosing the problem won’t get you anywhere fast.

Instead, dive deep into your content and see what’s working and what isn’t.

Experiment with different formats, lengths, and styles. Try carousels if you haven’t yet, mix up your visuals, play around with audio, or speak directly to the camera. The key is to find what resonates with your audience. If you’re finding your engagement is low with every single reel, you’re not resonating with your current audience.

It may be that the audience you’ve built no longer resonates with the content your posting, or that you’ve lost sight of who your target audience on instagram is in the first place.

Why not use your stories and ask them? Who are they? What do they want? When you understand where you’re going wrong, pivot.

Embrace Change… If It’s Not Working, Change It

Your audience is more forgiving than you think.

They probably won’t even notice small shifts in your content or messaging. When I switched from faceless marketing to a more personal, face-forward approach, I was worried about a mass unfollow. Spoiler: nothing happened. It was a good ego check – people didn’t mind the change at all.

This realization is freeing. You can pivot and experiment without fear of losing your audience. Think of Instagram as a dynamic conversation – like chatting with a friend over lunch. You don’t need every topic to perfectly connect; it’s about the overall flow and interaction.

Practical Tips for Improving Your Existing Account

Here are some actionable steps to improve your current account without starting over:

  1. Experiment with Content: Try new formats, lengths, and styles. Diversify your content to see what works best.
  2. Archive or Delete Old Posts: If there are posts you’re not proud of or that don’t align with your current brand, archive or delete them. It won’t hurt your account.
  3. Analyze and Document: Look at your analytics to see what’s working and what isn’t. Build hypotheses, test them, and be objective about the results.
  4. Research Trends: Check out platforms like TikTok to see emerging trends and try to replicate successful styles in your own unique way.
  5. Engage with Your Audience: Foster a genuine connection with your followers. Respond to comments and DMs to build a loyal community.

Final Thoughts

Deciding whether to start a new Instagram account or stick with your old one ultimately comes down to a strategic choice. Starting over might seem tempting, but the potential benefits are often outweighed by the loss of accumulated data and audience history. Instead, focus on refining your current strategy, experimenting with content, and engaging with your audience.

So, should you start fresh or stick with your old account? Unless you’ve bought followers in the past, stick with what you’ve got, optimize it, and watch your engagement soar.

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Picture of Kirk McManus
Kirk McManus

I help millenial women make money on Instagram. I'm a 29 year old girl from Scotland who changed her life when she made an Instagram account. I built The UGC Club in a year and it now makes me $12,000 a month (give or take). I don't have a product, I don't sell a dodgy course, but I do make one hell of an income from affiliate links.